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Tiffany Graf

<< English below >>

Beste RichPorter,

Vanuit RichPort proberen wij zoveel mogelijk bedrijven en parkmedewerkers met elkaar te verbinden. Hierom zijn wij op het idee gekomen om een Pubquiz te organiseren.

Heb jij het in je om de ultieme quizkampioen te worden? Verzamel dan je collega's en doe mee met RICHPUBQUIZ!

Elk team bestaat uit maximaal 5 deelnemers en de maximale capaciteit van The Hub is 60 personen.


Aanmelden voor de Pubquiz kan via

Waar: The Hub, Boeingavenue 213

Wanneer: Donderdag 18 april 2024

Tijd: 17.00 - 19.30 uur

Heb je nog vragen? Stuur ons gerust een mail.

<<English version>>

Dear RichPorter,

At RichPort, we strive to connect as many businesses and park employees as possible. That's why we came up with the idea of organizing a Pub Quiz.

Do you have what it takes to become the ultimate quiz champion? Gather your colleagues and join the RICHPUBQUIZ!

Each team consists of a maximum of 5 participants, and the maximum capacity of The Hub is 60 people.


You can sign up for the Pub Quiz by emailing

Where: The Hub, Boeingavenue 213

When: Thursday, April 18, 2024

Time: 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM

If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email.



Visit RichPort.

RichPort is the southern part of the Schiphol-Rijk area. Conveniently situated near the A4 highway, bordering on Schiphol AirPort and Amsterdam. With several busstops in the park, a 10 minute commute to Schiphol and train station RichPort is within everyone's (daily) reach.


Beechavenue 2,
1119 PT Schiphol-Rijk



RichPort Community.

An active community needs a Community Management. That's why RichPort has a full time Park Manager who works around the clock to organise activities that bring the people in the park together. And that's me! Tiffany Graf. Don't hesitate to contact me for any questions regarding park activities and facilities. For all Park Management related topics, please contact Tiffany Graf.

Tiffany Graf

Park Management

020 750 33 33


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