SIS Automatisering is a company that is active in the field of IT and automation since 1993. Over the years, SIS has developed into a company that offers fully managed technology solutions, tailored to your company's needs. We mainly focus on SMEs between 1-100 employees.
The way SIS distinguishes itself from the many other companies in it's field, is with a personal and friendly approach and cooperation. We want to know what is going on inside your organization, so we can provide you with the best and most fitting advice and support. SIS Automatisering is the all-in-one solution to all your automation- and IT needs, with a human touch.
Feel free to contact us if you want to find out what SIS can do for your company, or have a look at our website: phone number: +31 88 747 4800
e-mail: info@sisautomatisering.nl
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sisautomatisering