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RichPort Community Team

Updated: Oct 16, 2024

<< English below >> 

Beste RichPorter,

Vanaf aanstaande vrijdag 11 oktober tot en met vrijdag 18 oktober zal de firma BAM Telecom in opdracht van Eurofiber een gestuurde boring gaan uitvoeren op de Beechavenue en Boeingavenue t.b.v. nutsvoorzieningen. De autowegen blijven toegankelijk voor verkeer, maar enkele wandelpaden worden afgesloten vanwege deze werkzaamheden. De afgesloten paden zijn op de onderstaande afbeeldingen in het rood aangegeven.

<< English version>> 

Dear RichPorter,

From Friday, October 11th until Friday, October 18th, BAM Telecom, commissioned by Eurofiber, will carry out a directional drilling operation on Beechavenue and Boeingavenue for utility services. The roads will remain accessible to traffic, but some footpaths will be closed due to these works. The closed paths are marked in red on the images above.



Visit RichPort.

RichPort is the southern part of the Schiphol-Rijk area. Conveniently situated near the A4 highway, bordering on Schiphol AirPort and Amsterdam. With several busstops in the park, a 10 minute commute to Schiphol and train station RichPort is within everyone's (daily) reach.


Beechavenue 2,
1119 PT Schiphol-Rijk



RichPort Community.

An active community needs a Community Management. That's why RichPort has a full time Park Manager who works around the clock to organise activities that bring the people in the park together. And that's me! Tiffany Graf. Don't hesitate to contact me for any questions regarding park activities and facilities. For all Park Management related topics, please contact Tiffany Graf.

Tiffany Graf

Park Management

020 750 33 33


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